Fuh...hbs kotor tgn ak..dok colour2 model..wat model bru..cume lebih detail lg drpd model yg dulu..ni lah BBQ shelter yg ak design utk client ak, Fiona Doman...gune concept circular form,yg diambil drpd bentuk tudung botol..bhgian roof dibuat drpd zink, n di support by 2 metal comlumns pastu ad bbrp bhgian lg besi kt bwh zink tu for supporting the width. Seating area dibuat drpd concrict n disambung trus ke tanah. xletak ats dek kayu tu sbb takut dek tu xleh support its mass..means that dek kayu tu mengelilingi seat tu lah..Then, ad pagar kt tepi tmpt BBQ tu which is made from timbers...purpose die utk protection from strong wind..tmpt BBQ tu jgk bentuk die oval, sbb saje2 nk bg ad kena-mengena ngn bentuk overall shelter ni..erm...tu je lah kot...nik n lutfi dihrp dpt bg comment ap2 ek..hehehe..kot2 ad improvement bleh dibuat lg ke...
Pasar Karak Kota Bharu, Kelantan
7 years ago
waduh2.. cepat betul siap
aku dulu kne buat design yang macam haram susah.smpai satu masa rasa cm nk nangis buat!urghh.harap working drawing mamat tuh memang xboleh harap.
tapi outline korg taon ni cam lain je.aku buat lepas abes blaja autocad(software susah macam haram)
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