Baru2 ni ak ad beli majalah Digital Camera dan Photoplus utk bulan disember nye..dua2 majalah tu ad ajar tntng mcm mn nk edit gmbr utk Black and White nye,ak ad lah try wat sndri..xdelah menjadi sgt..yg asas2 die je ak cube..senang je sbnrny nk wat...kalau gune photoshop tu, mula2 duplicate dulu image, pastu bru convert yg duplicated tu kpd Black and White. Masa ni gmbr still boring lg,xde effect ap2 sgt..kelabu je...
so,create new adjusment layer, amk levels. Mula2 adjust levels utk shadow n lighting for the background. Yg foreground tu biar je jd hodoh mcm mn pun..haha..pastu bile dh puas hati, pilih brush tools, 'sapu' je kt bhgian foreground tu utk kembalikn tone asal die..pastu bile dh siap, amk levels sekali lg. yg ni adjust shadow n lighting utk foreground lak..yg background tu biar je jd hodoh pun..utk foreground, kasi cerah skt..pastu bile dh puas hati, gune brush tools lg n 'sapu' ktbackground utk kembalikn tone yg sebelum ni..bnda sama je, cume ulang2 kt different parts.
Pastu gune dodge tool utk cerahkn kt bbrp bhgian utk bg nmpk effect lg..wat brush size die dlm 600 pixels pun ok..pastu amk burn tool lak utk gelapkn kt mn2..biasany wat kt area tepi2 n bucu gmbr..sbb nk bg mcm ad effects from lens kamera tu sndri..if gmbr tu jenis yg ad awan ke, haaa jd yg bhgian shadow2 bwh awn tu bleh lah nk gelapkn skt..for giving sedikit contrast..Then, bleh lah nk edit2 gune feather ke..nk ubh2 contrast lg ke..pndai2 lah..pastu siap! ;) xlah sush pun sbnrny..cume sblm ni xthu,sape2 nk cube, dipersilakan..yg mint2 Black and White picture ke,bleh lah try yg amature punye lah..yg pro, xreti lah hamba..haha.
ni antara hasil krj ak mengedit2..haha
sekian shj...
(saje je sbnrny masukkn entry ni, sbb nk update blog..dh lm tggal..huhu)
k, g krj dulu! bye!
Pasar Karak Kota Bharu, Kelantan
7 years ago
gile smgt mengajar satu per satu..haha..puloh2..
wah..cantek gmba mu...keep up the good work
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